Daxayoni publishing collective emerged from a shared vision among a diverse group of writers, artists, and activists. Founded in 2023 by Wree and a dedicated team of individuals committed to social justice, the collective was born out of a desire to amplify marginalized voices and challenge prevailing societal norms. The founding members, who come from varied backgrounds in academia, activism, and the arts, were united by their common goal of addressing the complexities of caste, class, and queerness through the lens of creative expression.

What sets us apart from other publishing entities is our unwavering focus on intersectionality. By acknowledging the interconnectedness of social categorizations such as caste, class, and sexual orientation, we strive to create a more inclusive and representative platform for those whose stories are often overlooked or suppressed. This emphasis on intersectionality not only enriches the content produced but also fosters a community where diverse experiences are validated and celebrated.


Our curation process is guided by a commitment to amplifying underrepresented voices. We meticulously select works that not only align with our mission but also push the boundaries of conventional art. Our curators seek to include pieces that offer new perspectives and challenge dominant narratives. Through curated exhibitions and performances, we bring to light the nuanced realities of those who are often marginalized.


Disseminating the art we curate is a multifaceted endeavor. We utilize various channels, including publications, exhibitions, workshops, and online platforms, to reach a broad audience. Our publications range from zines to comprehensive anthologies, making art accessible to different demographics. Exhibitions and workshops held in local and international venues foster community engagement and dialogue. Additionally, our online platforms serve as a repository of resources and a space for virtual exhibitions, ensuring global accessibility. Our partnerships with organizations that share our vision further extend our reach and amplify our impact.


We collaborate regularly with local grassroots Organisations and Collectives. We have published several zines and newsletters in collaboration with BDS Samabhabona. Adhikaar Jaano, a multilingual newsletter to inform and 
organise the grassroots trans people has been a resounding success